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Zero Calorie Natural Sweeteners


Zero Calorie Natural Sweeteners

Zero Calorie Natural Sweeteners
Recently, many zero calorie sweeteners have appeared in the western market . But, most of the people are unaware of these zero calorie natural sweeteners and believe that they are artificial. But, these sweeteners are into use from passed hundreds of years in many countries like West Africa, China and South America.
So far, at least nine have been isolated and four are being commercially produced.

These are

It has zero calorie and zero glycemic Index. It also has the effect of regulating blood sugar levels. It has only recently been approved in the USA and EU and is now on sale in all supermarkets.
The most natural form is dry leaves and these can be used in cooking & baking also.

Monk Fruit
Monk fruit, also known as Luo Han Guo comes from China where the fruit has been used for hundreds of years. The sweetness comes from a substance called mogroside in the flesh of the fruit. Like Stevia it is also zero calorie natural sweetener with a glycemic index of zero and has been approved by the FDA for general use.

It is a natural sweetener that is extracted from licorice root, has zero calorie and zero glycemic index. Mostly,used in candies & medicine and in the treatment of ulcers and as an expectorant in cough mixtures. Avoid over consumption as it may increase hypertension if taken to excess.

Miraculin comes from so called ‘Miracle Fruit’ from West Africa. It alters the taste buds for a period of time, making sour foods taste sweet. It has been used, with some success, to relieve a side effect of Chemotherapy medication which makes food taste metallic. Otherwise it is more a novelty sweetener at this time.

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